Filtruj według

Filtruj według


Cooling Capacity

Cooling Capacity

Recommended area

Recommended area

Cooling capacity

Cooling capacity

Heating power

Heating power

Calorific power

Calorific power

Rated input power (cooling)

Rated input power (cooling)

Rated power (heating)

Rated power (heating)



Ilość biegów

Ilość biegów

Cable length

Cable length

Nominal voltage

Nominal voltage



Kategoria: Traitement de l'air

Traitement de l'air

Seans 6 produkty

To ensure a comfortable lifestyle and the well-being of your family, the quality of the indoor air is paramount. From ventilation to ventilation, purification and humidity regulation, our products offer numerous solutions that allow you to enjoy clean air, for you and your home (coverings, furniture, etc.). And to maintain the balance of this ecosystem, our heating systems are designed so that the temperature in your home is constant.
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Pokazano 1-6 z 6 pozycji

Aktywne filtry

  • Rated input power (cooling): 880 W
  • Rated input power (cooling): 1712 W
  • Rated input power (cooling): 2600 W
  • Rated input power (cooling): 3500 W